Rust: Typestate Pattern

The type state pattern can be used to prevent consumers of your API from misusing it. It takes advantage of Rust’s type system, using generics and zero-sized types.

use std::marker::PhantomData;

struct Landed;
struct Flying;

struct Aeroplane<State = Landed> {
    state: PhantomData<State>,

impl Aeroplane<Landed> {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            state: Default::default(),

    fn take_off(self) -> Aeroplane<Flying> {
        Aeroplane {
            state: PhantomData::<Flying>,

impl Aeroplane<Flying> {
    fn land(self) -> Aeroplane<Landed> {
        Aeroplane {
            state: PhantomData::<Landed>,

impl<State> Aeroplane<State> {
    fn adjust_flaps(&self) {

fn main() {
    let landed_plane = Aeroplane::new();

    let flying_plane = landed_plane.take_off();